Showing posts with label ES 12. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ES 12. Show all posts

I Need Some Enlightenment

02-21-09. I think this was my longeeeest day this year so far. I've been busy all day and yet when I am counting the things that I still need to accomplish, there are still 1001 left. Oh noes! I think there is something wrong with me. Whatever it is, I'm not really sure. Could it be my time management? Or perhaps my time sequencing? The heck, I don't know!

I think I need some enlightenment. Where and when will I ever learn to prioritize things? And do I even know what these "things" are that I should be prioritizing? Do I? DO I?!

Ooops! I shan't be ranting now! What I need is to see things from another perspective. Yeah, I think that's the enlightenment I need. If only this is as easy as and as literal as choosing the right lighting, then the problem is over. And I would probably choose this sea gull lighting, and this fine art lamps. Anyway, I should be studying now, still have an exam tomorrow and haven't started to open my book and notes yet. Seriously. Oh well, for now, I would just settle and rely with the lighting of my room as I spend the whole night in front of my lecture notes.