LHC Rap, Yo!

I totally need to justify not studying last, last week. It's I do this (justify), or I continue being tormented, thinking about it's (i.e. not studying) consequences.

Okay, so I was wrong with the blackhole thing. Wishful thinking sucks.


Oct. 1, which marks the end of Ramadan, is a non-working holiday, as declared by PGMA.


Selerines @ September 26, 2008 at 11:46 AM

Cool.. Happy Ramadan dude...

The Dork One @ October 4, 2008 at 11:44 AM

hey leoj! i have a little request, can you replace my old url leviuqse.blogspot.com (retarded’s notebook) to my new one, http://www.retardedsnotebook.com

thanks thanks thanks!

have a great day!